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get off意思有哪些

2024-07-14 06:39:12 编辑:zane 浏览量:635

get off意思有哪些


get off意思有哪些

get off有多种意义和用法: (从……)下来下车,下(马、自行车、火车、飞机)离开起跑,出发,起飞下班休假脱(衣服、鞋子等)移除解除约束使入睡挂断电话逃脱惩罚逃脱险境逃避

例子:get off the bed 从床上下来 get off a bus 下公共汽车We must be getting off now.我们现在得走了。What time do you get off (work)? 你什么时候下班I get every Wednesday off.我每周三休假。get one's wet shoes off脱下湿鞋子

Get your dirty hands off the cake 你脏手别碰蛋糕。get off the contract 解除合同get the baby off to sleep哄孩子入睡The thief got off lightly. 那个贼被从轻发落He got off very lightly in the accident. 他在意外事故中只受了点轻伤。

get off意思有哪些


例句:1.Judge Jed radkoff bashed the SEC for its policy of allowing banks to get off with slaps on the wrist.


2、Now, are we going to get off this rock or just stand around talking about it?


3、Get off me, that hurts!


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